Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 1 hour 0

HI EVERYBODY !!! BODYYY oddyyy dyyyy

Oppss.. the room is almost empty :-s, Hi Dad and Mum…!!!, You neither??? Ouchh!!

I guess the first thing to say about a blog, is what is it about. This blog it’s going to be about PHOTOGRAPHY!, yeeeeeess.. I knowwwww, there are a lot of blogs about photography. What is different about this? For me it’s different because I am writing it. For you I am not sure, perhaps, because I am not a pro, but I am very interested in photography. We can start a way together to improve our photography skills.

In the worst scenario (nobody is interested in what I have to say…), this is going to be a repository for the techniques I know, or I am playing with.

I like a lot of comments!! Please, feel free to write something, the idea it’s to learn together. If nobody comments, it’s going to be more boring.

My user in flickr is jriro2000

The most important thing, WELCOME TO YOUR HOUSE!

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